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Chapter Summaries

Revelation of Jesus Christ

Summary of Chapters


In this chapter we learn that God the Father, is about to unveil the plan by which His Son will be revealed from heaven to take His rightful place as supreme ruler of the earth. This plan is revealed to His servant John, through the agency of an angel, who is to show him all things concerning it.

John gives us some background information concerning the writing of this book, and then proceeds to describe the beginning of the visions which were presented to him while " the Spirit on the Lord's Day..."

He sees the Lord Jesus first, who begins to speak to him concerning the seven churches of Asia. To these churches, John is to convey messages from the Lord concerning their spiritual state.

Jesus identifies Himself as the one who was dead and is now alive, and forevermore. He also declares that He has prevailed to take and hold the keys of both "...Hades and of Death." Death may put the saints in the grave, but Jesus would have us to know that He has the power to open the grave and summon its captives back to life.

In verse 19, John is again told to write down what he has seen.

This Chapter concludes with Jesus explaining that the seven stars are the seven angels (messengers) of the seven churches; and that the seven golden lampstands are the seven churches which are in Asia. To Explore this chapter in greater detail Click Here.


Chapter 2 begins the messages given by Jesus to the seven churches. Those at Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos and Thyatira are addressed here.

Ephesus was, without a doubt, a church of good works. They were careful to test those who were bringing in contrary doctrine; however, the Lord found fault with them because they had "left their first love". This was their greatest problem, and the one from which Jesus admonished them to repent.

The church at Smyrna was a much beloved assembly by the Lord. This was a church given to charity. Jesus recognized that there were those in the church, claiming to be Jews, that were causing problems. He further states that this church was about to enter a time of persecution. He encourages them to be strong, and for those who endure, the promise of a "crown of life" is presented unto them.

The church at Pergamos was located in a city where Jesus said, "...Satan dwells..." It was a city where Emperor worship was predominant, which led to the martyrdom of some of the saints there. While it was said that there were many faithful in Pergamos; others were becoming tolerant of the teachings of the Nicolaitans. This sect, like the Baalamites, approved the eating of things sacrificed to idols, and the practice of sexual immorality in the church. Jesus challenges the church there to repent or else He will bring judgment upon them.

Jesus commend the church at Thyratira for their works, love, patience; and even states that their latter works were greater than their former. Nevertheless, He finds fault with this church in that it has allowed one, known as Jezebel, to gain authority in the church, and teach doctrines which were contrary to the faith. Her doctrines were like those at Pergamos. The only remedy given is to repent, lest the judgment of God also fall upon them.

The chapter ends with the statement, "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches." The Lord would have all the churches know that He expects His bride to remain faithful and to keep herself pure from the ways of the world. To Explore this chapter in greater detail Click Here.


Chapter 3 concludes the messages to seven churches by addressing those at Sardis, Philadelphia an Laodicea.

The church at Sardis was one which had become very worldly in its outlook. So much so, that Jesus declared that it was essentially dead. Very little worthiness remained in it that it should even be considered to be a church which belongs to Him. Their failure to "watch" was a sure sign of their worldliness.

Even so, Jesus found some at Sardis, who were walking faithfully. To these it is told that they shall walk with the Him in white garments; and that He will confess them before His Father and the angels which are in Heaven.

To Those who would walk contrary to Him, the warning is given, that their names may be blotted out of the Book of Life. This is an awesome statement that all should consider, who attempt to keep one foot in the world and one in the church, as those at Sardis were doing!

The Church of Philadelphia was greatly loved by the Lord. It was well living up to its name, Philadelphia, which means "brotherly love". There is no rebuke extended to this church, and as such an " door..." is set before them. Those there are freely given open access to the Lord at all times.

Here, we see a church which is submissive to His will; careful about matters of faith and practice, and continuously looking for the Lord's return. Jesus promises that those who persevere in this world wil be kept from the great trial which is to come upon all the earth. He ends His message to them by saying, "...hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown." Doing so, will assure that they have an everlasting position before the Almighty.

The Church of Laodicea was a church with an apathetic attitude. Wavering in their walk with the Lord: neither hot, nor cold; but a tepid mixture. Unable to come to a resolution of commitment, nor able to cast away that wherein they stood with the Lord. Because of this, the Lord states that He will "vomit" them out of His mouth, even as lukewarm drinking water is not pleasant. This church has found its solace in the wealth which they posessed. Jesus cautions them to acquire the true wealth which is not corruptible. To those who overcome, Jesus promises a seat with Him upon His throne.

Here ends the specific words of the Lord to the seven churches of Asia. Jesus loves all the churches, however; He also expects them to walk faithfully and honorably before not only Himself, but the world, as well. Everything which cast a shadow upon Him, or His Holiness is to be challenged and brought into subjection by those who name the name of Christ.

The messages to the seven churches should be seen as a gauge of spirituality for all churches of all times. Examining ourselves and heeding the instruction given, as these churches were examined, can only serve to strengthen the Church of the Lord. To Explore this chapter in greater detail Click Here.


Chapter 4 begins the second of the two major visions which comprise the Book of Revelation.

Initially, John is caught up to heaven where he beheld the setting of thrones. Upon the central throne, He beheld God the Father. Surrounding Him are twenty four other thrones, occupied by twenty four elders. Also around the throne of God, are four living creatures, who continuously proclaim God as, "...Holy, holy, holy..."

The chapter concludes with the twenty four elders casting their crown before the throne and offering up honor, glory and praise to Him. To Explore this chapter in greater detail Click Here.


The vision continues as John sees in the right hand of Him who sits upon the throne, a scroll written on both the inside and the back. A scroll, which it is evident, that everyone wanted to know its contents. Yet no one was able to take it or look upon it.

John weeps bitterly because of this until he is consoled by one of the twenty-four elders, who tells him that the Lion of the Tribe of Judah (Jesus) has prevailed to both take the scroll and open its seals.

The "Lion of the Tribe of Judah" immediately appears as a slain Lamb, and with the taking of this scroll from the hand of Him who sits upon the throne, all the creatures in heaven and earth glorify God, knowing that the redemption of the creation, fallen since Adam, is about to be effected.

This chapter concludes with the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders, falling down before God in worship to Him. To Explore this chapter in greater detail Click Here.


This chapter covers the opening of six of the seven seals of the scroll of chapter 5. They are opened sequentially and parallel the tribulation judgments which are found in the Gospel accounts of Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21.

The first four (the four horsemen) are comparable to what is called, in the Gospels, "the beginning of sorrows". The first seal deals with the coming of false messiahs. Seal number two with ensuing wars. Seal three reveals the effects of war, with famines and pestilences. This produces an elevated death toll as protrayed by the rider of the fourth horse, named, "Death".

The fifth seal leads into the time period known as "the great tribulation" where saints are persecuted, and even killed for their faith in Jesus {7:14}. The chapter ends with sixth seal previewing the coming final judgment of the wicked. To Explore this chapter in greater detail Click Here.


After viewing the notice of pending judgment in the sixth seal, John now see four angels sent forth to the four corners of the earth. These are ready to begin executing the wrath of God upon the disobedient of the earth.

Before they begin to act however, another angel comes from the east and commands them to withhold the judgments until the servants of God receive a mark in their foreheads. This mark is to protect the servants from the wrath which is to be poured out. The sealing is of twelve thousand saints of each of the twelve tribes of Israel, or 144,000 total.

Following this, John is shown a great multitude in heaven standing before the throne. One of the twenty-four elders questions John as to their identity. Unable to answer the elder, he is told that these are those who have come out of the great tribulation and have washed their robes. They now stand before the God of heaven to serve Him, and shall never be afflicted again with the things which press the inhabitants of the earth.

The chapter ends by stating that the Lamb will lead them, as a shepherd, to living fountains of water. To Explore this chapter in greater detail Click Here.


In this chapter seven angels are given seven trumpets by which a set of holy judgments are to be released upon the earth and its inhabitants. The angels are divided into two groups: four are to release judgments which primarily affect the earth itself ; with the other three reserved to unleash even stronger measures against the individual inhabitants of the earth, who will not repent of their evil deeds, even in the aftermath of the first judgments sent against them.

Silence falls upon heaven for about thirty minutes, as the prayers of the martyred are offered up before Him who sits upon the throne. Then, a golden censor, filled with hot coals from the altar of incense, is cast into the earth, indicating that the prayers of the saints have been heard. The four angels deployed in chapter 7 are now ready to begin enacting their part in administering the judgments of God upon the earth, as the first trumpets sound.

Judgments are poured out sequentially upon the earth, the sea, the streams of water and the sun, moon and stars.

This chapter ends with yet another angel, coming forth to issue a dire warning to the inhabitants of the earth who believe the worst is over. Be it known, that there are three more angels to sound, who will unleash far greater misery upon the defiant of the earth than they have encountered with the first four. With the sounding of the final three trumpets, beginning in chapter 9, things will move from the general to a more personal level. To Explore this chapter in greater detail Click Here.


Chapter 9 covers the first two of the three great "woes", which are to be released against the defiant inhabitants of the earth.

A fallen star (angel) opens the great abyss, or bottomless pit, to release a horde of demonic beings which are to go forth and afflict those on the earth who do not have the seal of God in their foreheads (chapter 7). They are likened to a swarm of locust, which have a fierce countenance. They however, are not allowed to harm the vegetation of the earth; only those who don't have the seal of God. Power is given to them to act for five months.

The locust beings have a king set over them, whose name is Abaddon in Hebrew, but Apollyon in Greek. These names mean, "destruction", and "destroyer". He is called the "angel of the bottomless pit" and appears, as the liberator of the locust creatures, to be the one who also ascends from the pit in chapter 11, to make war with the two witnesses of God.

The chapter ends with the second woe being unleashed. An army, 200,000,000 strong, under the control of four angels bound at the river Euphrates, is released to kill one-third of mankind because they will not repent of their gross sins.

Five sins are named at the end of this chapter, which have brought these judgments upon man. Failure to repent will result in the final and greatest woe, to be released in chapter 12. To Explore this chapter in greater detail Click Here.


Both chapters 10 and 11 are parenthetical chapters which do not speak to effects of the second great woe unleashed by the sounding of the sixth trumpet of chapter 9. These two chapters actually serve as a premise for events, which are to unfold in chapters 12 and 13, concerning the two witnesses which shall come down to the earth from heaven.

In this chapter, we see a powerful angel come down to the earth, whose face shines like the sun; and whose feet are as pillars of fire. He hold a "little book", open in his hand and as he speaks, seven thunders utter words. As John is about to begin writing down what he had heard, he is told to stop, for their revelation is yet reserved for the future.

The chapter ends with John being told to take the little book and eat it. It was sweet in his mouth, but turned to bitterness in his stomach. Here is an understanding that John is allowed to know the contents of the book (sweet), but is not allowed to reveal it to anyone (bitter). That part appears to be reserved for the two witnesses, which are to come down from heaven (the two feet as pillars of fire) just as the tribulation period begins. To Explore this chapter in greater detail Click Here.


Chapter 11 continues the action initiated in the previous chapter. The same angel of that chapter, now gives John a reed like a measuring rod, and telling him to measure the temple of God. The time for all things to be fulfilled is drawing near, and a measurement is now taken to determine where the people stand in their relationship to God.

The temple mentioned here is the one which shall be rebuilt in Jerusalem during the tribulation period, for we are told that the outer court is given to the Gentiles for forty two months (from just before the placing of the Abomination of Desolation until the retaking of Jerusalem by the Jews).

The presence of two witnesses, depicted as the feet of the angel of chapter 10, is now clearly made evident. They are brought forth as God's witnesses, and empowered to smite the earth with any plague they deem necessary; and as often as they will. This causes great distress to the disobedient peoples of the earth, until a champion arises in the earth to make war with, and prevail over them.

The champion revealed here, is the beast which ascends from the bottomless pit (the Antichrist). After subduing the two witnesses, the world will glorify him, and with merry hearts, send gifts to one another thinking that their troubles are finished. Three and one-half days later however, the two witnesses are resurrected by God, and caught up to heaven, causing great fear to fall upon those who see it.

This is followed by a great earthquake which destroys a tenth part of Jerusalem. Seven thousand are killed, with those surviving in that part of the city, repenting and giving glory to God.

The seventh trumpet next sounds, as preparations are being layed to bring forth the third great woe, or judgment upon the earth. The chapter ends with verse 19, giving a foreshadow of greater judgments to come upon an earth which has given itself to utter wickedness. To Explore this chapter in greater detail Click Here.


In this chapter John sees two great wonders in heaven: A woman clothed with the sun who is about to give birth to a man child; and a great red dragon who is standing before her, seeking to devour her child as soon as it is born.

An understanding is put forth, in this study, that the woman represents the City of Jerusalem, with her child symbolizing the 144,000 of the twelve tribes of Israel, as mentioned in chapters 7 and 14.

The dragon, representing Satan, goes forth in an effort to destroy the child which is caught up to heaven, when it is born. This is followed by a war in heaven which ends with the dragon and his army being cast down and permanently barred from entering heaven.

Filled with anger over his downfall, Satan goes forth with a plan to destroy the woman ( the inhabitants of Jerusalem). They however, are given two wings of an eagle (the two witnesses of chapter 11) which aid her in an escape, into the wilderness, from the presence of the dragon. She is to remain there in a place of safety for 3 1/2 years, during which time the city itself will be given into the hands of the Gentiles.

The attempt by Satan to destroy the woman is portrayed here as the invasion of Gog (Ezekiel 38-39) which ends with the invader being totally defeated.

With this great defeat, Satan becomes further enraged. Unable to get at the woman, he now turns his attention to making war with the remnant of her seed (those in Israel, who do not flee into the wilderness). To accomplish this, Satan moves to transfer his "royal power" to another, who appears capable of carrying out his agenda: the Antichrist of chapter 13. To Explore this chapter in greater detail Click Here.


Chapter 13 is an amazing chapter, which is filled with an enormous amount of action packed in a relatively small amount of verses. Understanding the events which unfold here is crucial to gaining a sound understanding of the whole book.

In this chapter we are seeing the third and final phase of Satan's three pronged attack in his war with God. With two dismal failures to his credit, as shown in chapter 12; he is determined to make an all out assault to stamp out any vestiges of testimony for God, and install himself as the only God of this world. The battle plan for this phase of his war with God, changes as he transfers his power to another, his beastly son, to carry out his agenda.

He begins by giving his throne, power and authority to his son who ascends from the bottomless pit, fully recovered from the deadly wound which he received in his attempt to destroy the woman of chapter 12.

We learn, in the study of this chapter, that there are actually two "wounds" unto death required to explain the events shown here: one upon the Antichrist himself; and one inflicted by the Antichrist upon the kingdom he shall rule over. The latter wound, results in the coming forth of the second beast (verse 11) rising up within the kingdom, which is headed by the False Prophet.

The blasphemous son of Satan rails against the God of heaven, and those who dwell there; and sets in motion a plan for world domination, by which the False Prophet is empowered to set up an image to the first Beast. An economic system is also established within the kingdom by which all are required to take a mark, or the number "666" in their right hands or foreheads. Only those who have the mark, and bow down before the image, can buy or sell. Those who refuse are to be subjected to death.

The chapter ends with the reader being challenged to count the number of the Beast's name; for the numeric value of the alphabetic characters in the name of the Beast (Antichrist), will be equal to the number 666. To Explore this chapter in greater detail Click Here.


In this chapter, we again see the 144,000 of the twelve tribes of Israel who were sealed with the seal of God in chapter 7. These, as we understood in chapter 12, appear to represent the "man child" who was caught up to heaven, prior to Satan going forth to in his attempt to destroy the woman (the inhabitants of Jerusalem).

These are seen standing on Mount Zion, with the Lamb of God, just before being caught up to heaven {12:5}. A new song is sung here, which only the 144,000 can learn. They are then taken up to heaven as the "...firstfruits to God and to the Lamb..." It is written here that these "...follow the Lamb wherever He goes..." There are several things in this chapter which tend to confirm the identity of these as the man child of chapter 12.

Next we see another angel, in the heavens, proclaiming the gospel to every nation. This is followed by yet another who makes it known that Babylon the great is fallen; and if any man will receive the mark of the beast and worship his image, that person shall be forever tormented with fire and brimstone (i.e. the lake of fire).

The chapter ends with the reaping of the harvest. The Gospel has been proclaimed to every nation {Matt. 24:14}. The Son of Man goes forth to gather in the crop (the righteous); pointing to His revelation. He is followed by another angel which gathers the vines and clusters of grapes (the wicked) that judgment may be passed on them.

The chapter ends with verse 20 stating that the "...winepress was trampled outside the city,..." Chapter 19:15 tells us that it is Jesus Himself, who shall tread the winepress. To Explore this chapter in greater detail Click Here.


We basically see two things happening in this chapter.

First, there is a brief description of those who gain victory over the Beast by refusing to take his mark, or the number of his name; even on pain of death.

Second, we see the format through which the judgments of God will be carried out concerning those who do give their allegiance to the Beast.

These judgments are dispensed through seven angels who have the seven last plagues which are to be administered to the rebellious of the earth.

The severity of the judgments are attested to, by the fact that the temple in heaven is filled with smoke (the wrath of God) to the extent that no one could enter it until these things were finished. To Explore this chapter in greater detail Click Here.


This chapter begins with the command being issued to the seven angels to go forth and pour out their vials (bowls). These judgments, as the former, appear to be poured out in a sequential manner; and increasingly compound the misery of those upon whom they are poured.

The first five of these are directed at the Kingdom of the Beast and his subjects. Vials six and seven deal primarily with the judgments which are to be poured out upon the great city of Babylon.

With the initial destruction of Babylon, the Antichrist will regroup his forces at Armageddon (the plains of Megiddo), in Israel, for the final push to eradicate the Jews, who have retaken the city of Jerusalem. The call goes out to world leaders to join him in this effort; and so it is fulfilled, that God will "gather all nations together against Jerusalem".

The chapter ends by going back somewhat, to set the stage for presenting the judgments which are reserved for Babylon. To Explore this chapter in greater detail Click Here.


Chapter 17 is probably the most challenging of all chapters in the Book of Revelation to understand. This is because two of the book's greatest mysteries are unveiled here: the mystery of Babylon the Great, and of the Beast of chapter 13.

Initially it appear that Babylon and the Antichrist will have some sort of covenant relationship, by which all territories conquered by him shall be put under her control. However, when the Beast is wounded unto death (chapter 13) and passes temporarily from the scene, into the bottomless pit, Babylon will forge a new covenant with the king who will succeed the fallen leader.

The indication is, that upon the Antichrist's ascent from the bottomless pit, he will become extremely enraged with Babylon because of her infidelity; and will essentially become her chief foe during the last half of the tribulation period. This intense hatred, and his determination to destroy Babylon, and her new spouse, is really at the heart of both chapters 17 and 18.

The mystery concerning Babylon begins with the idea that this great city of antiquity will be restored; and to a level of greatness which she never realized in the distant past. Her resurrection from centuries of being buried in the Iraqi desert, will be meteoric with her wealth and power unprecedented among the histories of the cities of the world.

Saddam Hussein began the task of pulling her up from her desert grave by spending more than one billion dollars, in rebuilding portions of her walls, palaces and other buildings. With his capture and execution however, Babylon's rise to power has been temporarily suspended. It is certain, that in the future, her rise to life will be resumed, for she is destined to control the economic affairs of many nations during the tribulation period.

Be that as it may, ultimately the great city of Babylon will be judged for not only her sins of the tribulation period, but for those of the distant past as well. This judgment will initially be enacted through the hands of the Antichrist. She will be plundered and burned by him; with that judgment followed up by God Himself, incinerating the very earth upon which she sits. In this destruction, it appears that the lake of fire will be created, into which all of the wicked of all times will be cast (Rev. 20:14-15).

The Beast and False Prophet will be among the very first to be cast into the lake of fire, at the Revelation of Jesus. To Explore this chapter in greater detail Click Here.


The main theme of this chapter is the economic covenant which Babylon will have with the kings and merchants of the earth, and the total despair, and utter dismay, they exhibit when observing her downfall.

Never could it be believed that the world's greatest city would be brought to nothing, "in one hour". In the shock of the events, they stand fearfully and helplessly at a distance, watching all of their dreams literally go up in smoke.

Despite the notions of some that Babylon has already fallen; their explanations do not do justice to the numerous verses of Scripture which indicate a different outcome for this great city which is yet to re-emerge. It is imperative that we make our eschatology fit Scripture, not the other way around.

Babylon's fall will be one of total anihilation. Her sins are so great before God, that the very lake of fire which He will create to consume the wicked will be located there. Finally, the God of heaven and the martyred saints and prophets are vindicated in her destruction. To Explore this chapter in greater detail Click Here.


This chapter opens with great joy, as mighty Babylon has finally received her due. A continuing chorus of "Alleluia!" goes up before Him who sits upon the throne of heaven. The blood of His servants, who cried out in chapter 6, has now been avenged.

Now the bride has come forth from the wedding chamber with her husband, and the time has arrived that they should return to her former home to celebrate the Marriage Supper.

Just as the faithful of earthly Jerusalem are about to be consumed by the Antichrist and his armies, the clouds of heaven break and the "KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS" appears with his armies.

As the Antichrist advances into Jerusalem, the feet of Jesus touchdown on the Mount of Olives, causing an earthquake to divide the city. The Antichrist and False Prophet are captured and cast into the lake of fire and their armies are destroyed.

The chapter ends with "all the birds" of heaven (the tribulation saints) being filled with the flesh (wealth) of those who are slain. The Marriage Supper of the Lamb is hereby accomplished. To Explore this chapter in greater detail Click Here.


Chapter 20 unveils the judgments which have been reserved for Satan; the reign of the saints who prevailed against him, even through death: and the final disposition of all peoples deemed to be wicked in God's eyes. It also speaks to the ultimate destiny of the current planet which is called earth; the birthplace of all humanity; in connection with the coming of "... a new heaven and a new earth..."

With the Beast and False Prophet cast into the lake of fire, judgment is now turned to the ring leader of all the rebellious: Satan. An angel comes down from heaven binds him with a chain and locks him away in the bottomless pit for one thousand years.

The martyred saints of the tribulation period are resurrected at this time, to live and reign with Christ for the millennial period. It will be a great time of restoration of the creation. However, after the thousand years are expired, Satan is released from his captivity, and allowed to test the loyalty of the peoples of the earth. Unfortunately, the masses will follow Satan in the rebellion, in an attempt to destroy the holy people. The wicked will then be destroyed as fire comes down from heaven upon them.

A "great white throne" next appear before which the wicked of all ages are gathered. They are judged by the deeds recorded in the books of heaven, and everyone whose name is not found in the Book of Life, was cast into the Lake of Fire. Here they will remain forever and ever in eternal punishment for a life filled with sins, of which they did not repented. This is called the "second death", from which there is no escape. To Explore this chapter in greater detail Click Here.


The judgment of the wicked has now been finalized and their eternal state sealed. The earth itself, which had been restored to its former glory, is again corrupted by the sins of the wicked, and shall be consumed by fire and pass away.

A new heaven and earth now emerge as the former passes away. The holy city, new Jerusalem, now comes down to the new earth as the tabernacle of God Himself. It is described as a magnificent city of pure gold which is elevated upon a platform of twelve foundations.

God Himself shall forever remove all sorrows, and pains of every description, from the lives of the faithful. All tribulation in the hearts of people will ceased and peace and joy shall forever prevail. The very thought of death shall be unknown as previous things are no longer remembered.

The great city is herein measured and then described. The temple of God in heaven is not found here, for God and the Lamb are its temple, and they shall dwell in the midst of the people forever.

The chapter ends with the statement that there shall, by no means, enter into new Jerusalem anything which defiles. It's an admonition that we are to daily examine our lives, to make sure no such things are found in our hearts. To Explore this chapter in greater detail Click Here.


God's grand prophetic layout is finished with this chapter. All that He has declared through His servants, the prophets, has now come to pass.

In this chapter we are taken into the heart of new Jerusalem, where we see the River of Life, as well as the Tree(s) of Life which have great curative powers for the nations of the earth which are pronounced worthy to enter into the city.

The Garden of God (Paradise), where His throne is set, is seen in this final viewing of the city.

The final message given is firstly, let everyone make their choice: either follow what is righteous and inherit a place in new Jerusalem; or else, follow what is wicked, and be eternally cast away from God's presence. Be it known that no unclean thing will ever dwell in God's holy presence, or enter into His holy city.

Secondly, a final call is made to everyone to come unto Him, "...the Spirit and the bride say come..." Good News is here! No matter how low your spiritual state has sank, you are cordially invited by the Lord God to come unto him and partake of all of the benefits which He has reserved for you. All that is required is that you come to Him with a sincere and repentant heart. He invites you to come and partake of the water of life freely.

The chapter and the book end with John's statement:

"Amen. Even so, come Lord Jesus!"

To Explore this chapter in greater detail Click Here.


Chapter Summaries